Scholastic Requirements: High School graduation or its equivalent is required as a minimum standard for admission to SouthWest School of the Bible. Exceptions may be made for students who show evidence of sufficient maturity and the ability to complete the required courses of study.

Character Requirements: We expect those who seek to study at SWSB to come with an earnest desire to know Christ more intimately, to know God’s will for their lives, to deepen their understanding of God’s Word, and to discover their place in the worldwide ministry of God’s Church. Applicants should therefore be members in good standing of a Christian congregation. Exceptions will be considered on an individual basis.

We expect our students to enter into the spirit of prayer and study that characterizes SWSB. Any student who does not voluntarily cooperate in keeping the regulations of the school, or whose presence is considered detrimental to the maintenance of wholesome conditions of student life, may be asked to withdraw at any time.

How to Make Application for Admission to SWSB
  • Print out the preliminary application form included on this website, complete it, and return it to the SWSB office.
  • Upon receipt of your preliminary application, we will send further instructions.
  • If more than a year has passed since your preliminary application was received, you will have to begin the process again.


Time: All applications must be received before the beginning of classes of the new term. During this first year of operation, we may find it necessary to make some exceptions to this rule, however. Students who begin classes more than a week late will have to make up the work they missed in a timely manner in order to catch up with the rest of the class.